Sunday, December 31, 2017

DIY Oscilloscope Kit (Red)

DSO138 was designed as a training oscilloscope kit. It contains only the basical oscilloscope functions with no fancy features. Simplicity in structure and easiness in assembly /operation are among the main targets of the design. For these purpose DSO138 uses mostly through-hole parts. The heart of DSO138 is a Cortex-M3 ARM processor (STM32F103C8) from ST. It displays nice and clear waveforms. Detailed assembly instructions are provided in combination with troubleshooting guide and schematc. Source codes are also available to allow user to add their own features. 

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See more at: https: / / /index.php?route=product /product&product_id=4164#sthash.7kBU0GFR.dpuf< /div>

You can buy this item at a price PHP 1080 of the actual price PHP 2499 Here

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